EveryBlock is Back!

After a short hiatus, the hyperlocal website EveryBlock.com is back! Visit the site and enter your zip code for news, events and posts from your neighborhood. Also, you can subscribe to a weekly digest of the news around you.

EveryBlock uphold its community values to be:

Above all, EveryBlock is a community. Here are our community ideals — the philosophies that inspire how our community strives to act — as shaped by your own comments and input.

We strive to be good neighbors

People on EveryBlock use it to strengthen local bonds and make their neighborhoods a better place — whether it’s discovering a community event, organizing neighbors into real-world action or just keeping tabs on local news.

We respect one another

When people of different backgrounds get together and discuss their community, there may be differing opinions. We don’t shy away from disagreement, but we keep a civil tone and stay constructive. Our community guidelines help us maintain a respectful environment.

We value and appreciate diversity

EveryBlock is a digital version of an urban street: an exciting, surprising, diverse place. New people, events, businesses and relationships happen all the time – and that’s a good thing.

We hope this inspires you, and we’re happy you’re here. If you’re on board with these ideals, click the big orange button below.